Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Alone Ain't So Bad

Tonight I went to my first  TEDx committee meeting and afterwards, as it was a very early pleassant spring evening - decided I would like to stop for dinner on the way home.  I made phone calls to friends whom shall remain anonymous hoping someone would answer the damn phone and go to dinner with me. Alas -  no one answered. As I mused my lonely dilemma - I said to myself "I can do this one alone". Craving sushi, edamame and a good hot sake with a Stella Artois with lemon & orange slice - I decided on Akahana. It was a fantastic meal of sushi, a Tom Goo Long or something like that spicy soup, the desired soy beans and libations. And I found it not lonely at all. What I did find lonely were all the couples and even a single here and there compelled to "be busy" on their smart? phones. And if that wasn't enough diversion for their loneliness or their feelings of not knowing how to interact - there were the two HUGE televisions ensconced on the walls. I did manage a brief conversation with one of the sushi chefs. But I did find I long for the day when monitors were not a part of our lives. When in fact you might break into conversation with the person next to you or the bar man or woman. I actually love technology - to a point. At times we need to unplug and be simply human. The reason I left my own diversion (camera) in the car.

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